Yosemite – Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update for April 3, 2024
New Snow: 24 inches
Settled Snow Depth: 58 inches
High Temperature: 50°F (April 2)
Low Temperature: 10°F (March 31)
March Weather Summary
New Snow: 94 inches (historical average 55.5 inches)
Snow Water Equivalent: 6.42 inches (historical average 3.84 inches)
Average High Temperature: 36.1°F (historical average 40.2°F)
Average Low Temperature: 12.61°F (historical average 13.7°F)
Average Temperature: 24.59°F (historical average 28.7°F)
Ski Conditions and Weather: It was a wintry week to close out the month of March. “Out like a lion” so to speak. It was another month of above average precipitation and snowfall, and a bit cooler than “normal.” We have been out doing the April 1 snow surveys this week and with one more course to go the Tuolumne River drainage is coming in between 90-100% of average.