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Yosemite National Park Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

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Daily Report – Yosemite National Park
Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

Today: Sunny. Areas of smoke near the crest. Highs 80 to 86 at 5000 feet…70 to 75 at 8000 feet.
Tonight: Clear. Areas of smoke near the crest. Lows 53 to 61 at 5000 feet…43 to 51 at 8000 feet.
Friday: Sunny. Highs 81 to 87 at 5000 feet…71 to 76 at 8000 feet.
Additional Point Forecast Weather Links:
Lisa Jacobson’s arrowhead will be available to sign at the service counter in the warehouse, you can also drop by and wish her well on her new job, she will be here through July 6th. (L. Perez)
Sue Beatty Retirement Dinner TODAY
Sue Beatty,The Yosemite Giant of Ecological restoration, is retiring! Join in to show Sue your appreciation of her 30+ years of service in making Yosemite a better place. 
Email if you want to be added to the agenda to honor Sue with stories or words of appreciation. 

The Mexican themed potluck dinner will be held Thursday, June 28th from 5 pm to 8 pm at the Cedar Lodge in El Portal.  (M. Thornley) 

Yosemite Creek Campground will open on Thursday, June 28. Yosemite Creek is first come, first served and located down a narrow, 5 mile, mostly dirt access road and is therefore not suitable for RV’s or trailers. The cost is $12 per night, self registration. Call 209-372-0266 for current campground status. (E.Bissmeyer)

Yosemite Medical Clinic Summer Hours

Beginning Monday, July 2, Yosemite Medical Clinic will be open seven days per week, from 9:00 AM till 7:00 PM.  Walk in patients will be accepted until 6:30 PM.


Due to staffing limitations, the Clinic will be without X-ray capability from time to time this summer.


For more information or to make an appointment, please call 209-372-4637.  (C. Griffin) 

Yosemite GIS User Group June 28
Do you use GIS in your job? A meeting for GIS users is scheduled for Thursday, June 28 at 10am in the El Portal Large Breakroom. Any and all park employees interested in GIS are invited to come and learn more about Yosemite’s GIS program and participate in discussions about mobile data collection and more. Contact Elizabeth Hale at or 379-1307 if you have questions.

Yosemite Housing Manager Detail Announcement

 Position:         Acting Park Housing Manager, GS-1173-11

Location:        Yosemite National Park, Mariposa, CA

Eligibility:       Qualified and eligible permanent NPS employees

 Open:  June 26, 2018              

Close: July 2,  2018

2018 Wildfire Defensible Space Inspections Beginning July 9th
This fire season is off to another very warm and dry start. In an effort to help you, Yosemite Fire requires residents and owners of buildings to complete defensible space clearing. This year inspections will begin in El Portal around July 9th and work down to Foresta and then Wawona. There has been great success and compliance over the years, and this year is sure to be even better!  
Please refer to the following website for useful information regarding defensible space: 
Fire Inspector Blake Scott and Fire Information Officer Shanelle Saunders will be completing the inspections this year. If you have any questions regarding defensible space requirements please send an email to the Fire Prevention Office at If you would like to be put on the Yosemite Fire Information email list, contact the Fire Information Officer at  (K. Martin)
Yosemite Valley Campground Reservation Office Selling Some Passes
The Yosemite Valley Campground Reservation office sells Interagency Annual Passes, Lifetime Senior Passes, and Access Passes.  Yosemite 7 day entrance passes can also be purchased at this location.  Anyone looking to purchase any other type of pass can do so at any entrance station. (S. Montroy)



Lions Fire Reaches the Inyo National Forest –  Forest Service Press Release
Clovis, CA. June 24, 2018 – The Lions Fire started on the Sierra National Forest around June 1st as a lightning strike, and is burning near the Lion Point area in the Ansel Adams Wilderness. It crossed onto the Inyo National Forest on June 22 and is now being co-managed by both the Sierra and the Inyo National Forests. Due to strong winds the evening of June 24 of 20-30 mph, the fire spread to the south and west and is now about 1000 acres, 7 miles southwest of Mammoth Lakes.

The fire is burning at 6000-8000’ elevation in red fir with some growth to the southeast. Large areas of standing dead and down timber are within and surrounding the burning area. There is no present threat to structures or public safety. 

The fire will be managed for multiple resource and protection objectives including suppression, air quality, firefighter safety and hazardous vegetation reduction. Because the fire is burning in designated wilderness, fire officials will be using MIST (Minimum Impact Suppression Tactics), such as using natural barriers for containment lines and minimizing mechanical disturbance with chainsaws or aircraft. 

To maximize daylight work time, crews are camping near the fire and consist of four Type I hotshot crews and a Wildland Fire Module.

The communities near the fire can expect smoke impacts in varying degrees for the next two- three weeks. Air quality and smoke forecasts will be available as the incident progresses.

For more information, see Lions Fire or 760-582-5203.  (S. Saunders)


Independence Day Fire Safety
Independence Day is just around the corner and Yosemite Fire and Aviation wants to remind residents and visitors to be extra careful with fire by following a few guidelines: 

– No fireworks are permitted within Yosemite National Park
– Always make sure your campfire is dead out before leaving
– Follow all posted signs and restrictions
– Celebrate Independence Day safely and joyfully
For fire information contact:  or follow us on Facebook and Twitter @YosemiteFire.  (S. Saunders)

Recruiting Priorities Dialogue For Supervisors Thursday
Please join the Superintendent’s Office and Allies for Inclusion facilitators for a dialogue on recruiting priorities for Yosemite’s 100 vacancies. The first in a series of three dialogues will take place on Thursday, June 28th, 1-2:30 pm in the Valley Emergency Services Conference Room. Please RSVP to  (S. Martinez)
Merced River Plan Restoration Implementation 
Wetland restoration at the Art Activity Center begins June 26th and will continue through the end of July. This project returns 0.8 acres of what was the former Art Activity Center into a seasonal wetland. Crew will be shaping the wetland area, planting native plants, and replacing the construction fencing with split rail fencing.
Riverbank restoration at Sentinel Meadow Boardwalk begins June 25th and will continue through mid-July. Workers will add fences to protect unstable riverbanks, protect vegetation and define a viewing area of Yosemite Falls. Crew will also plant native plants over 900 square feet of trampled vegetation. Portions of the boardwalk will be intermittently closed for repair and for visitor safety during fence construction.  (G. Dickman)
Croaking Toad Presentation Thursday
Croaking Toad Presentation on Thursday, June 28, 2018 from 8:30 am to 9:30 am in the El Portal Warehouse Maintenance Complex in the Large Breakroom. Presented by Stefanny Villagomez, Independent Biologist, Mexico, Steve Albert, The Institute for Bird Populations, and Michelle Desrosiers, Yosemite National Park “Yosemite to Mexico: Monitoring Migratory Birds Across the full Annual Cycle.”  (M. Thornley)
High Elevation Forest Monitoring New Video
The Sierra Nevada Network Inventory & Monitoring Program has a new video available highlighting our high elevation forest monitoring project, that can be viewed at Enjoy traveling to a foxtail pine stand in Sequoia National Park, learning about these iconic trees, and seeing how our field crew monitors these subalpine forests. In Yosemite, enjoy the beauty of whitebark pine after a mid-September 2017 snowstorm and the raucous calls of Clark’s Nutcrackers as they forage on the seeds of these pines. 
For more information about the Sierra Nevada Network Inventory & Monitoring Program, a National Park Service program monitoring natural resources in Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks and Devils Postpile National Monument, visit this web page: (L. Mutch)
Concessions Management Branch Chief until June 28

Linda Niles-Sheetz: or 372-0273
Administrative Officer until July 31
Derek Hildebrand: 379-1042 or
Interpretation and Education Division Chief until July 7
Janine Waller: or 372-0643
Branch Chief of Roads & Trails until June 29

Russ Kish: or 742-8910.
Budget Officer until further notice
April Stowell: 379-1872 or
Physical Science & Landscape Ecology Branch Chief until further notice
Kent van Wagtendonk: 379-1046
Design & Construction Branch Chief until September
Garrett Chun: 379-1298 or
Acting Safety Manager until July 1
mike_doyle@nps.gov209-347-0132 (c), 209-379-1072 (o)
Park Botanist until further notice
Garrett Dickman: 379-3282
Wilderness Patrol Supervisor until August 8
Lisa Kahn: 372-0354