Tonight: Mostly clear. Windy. Lows 44 to 52 at 5000 feet… 36 to 42 at 8000 feet.
Tomorrow: Sunny. Highs 67 to 72 at 5000 feet…57 to 63 at 8000 feet.
There are multiple fires burning in Yosemite National Park’s wilderness. Weather has moderated with lower temperatures and higher relative humidities.
Discovered: 8/1/17
Location: 1 mile east of Yosemite Ski and Snowboard Area and 3/4 mile south of Glacier Point Road
Size: 6,256 acres Cause: Lightning Containment: 55% Fuels: Red fir
Fire activity was minimal yesterday due to increased relative humidity and precipitation from the last couple days. Conditions were favorable for fire crews to continue burn operations along Glacier Point road. Glacier Point Road will open Saturday Sept. 16 at 0800. Smoky conditions may exist along portions and delays may exist.
South Fork
Discovered: 8/13/17
Location: .75 miles east of the community of Wawona
Size: 6,840 acres Cause: Lightning Containment: 47% Fuels: Mixed conifer and red fir
Le Conte
Discovered: 9/12/17
Location: North Side of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir
Size: 1/2 acre Cause: Lightning Spread Potential: Low Fuels: Sparse ground fuels
Strategy: Monitor
Showing no smoke.
Discovered: 9/12/17
Location: Right on Porcupine creek
Size: 1/10 acre Cause: Lightning Spread Potential: Low Fuels: Ground fuels
Strategy: Monitor
Single green tree burning at the base with 10×10 ground fire with continuous wet fuels.
Discovered: 9/12/17
Location: N 37° 52.707′ x W 119° 36.854′ elevation of 8,535 ‘
Size: 1/10 acre Cause: Lightning Spread Potential: Low Fuels: Ground fuels
Strategy: Monitor
Lightning struck green tree with fire in the top and 10×10 ground fire at the base.
Discovered: 9/12/17
Location: N 37° 52.597′ x W 119° 36.552′ elevation of 8,469 ‘
Size: 1/10 acre Cause: Lightning Spread Potential: Low Fuels: Ground fuels
Green tree that was blown apart by lightning strike and burning at the base.
Discovered: 9/12/17
Location: N 37° 48.318′ x W 119° 29.607′ elevation of 8,564 ‘
Size: 1/10 acre Cause: Lightning Spread Potential: Low Fuels: Ground fuels
Strategy: Monitor
On the southwest ridge 100 yards from Hidden Lake burning in duff and down logs. Fire activity was creeping and smoldering at the top of the slope. Fire crews will continue to check on it.
Discovered: 9/12/17
Location: N 37° 40.391′ x W 119° 32.505′ elevation of 7,570′
Size: 1/10 acre Cause: Lightning Spread Potential: Low Fuels: Ground fuels
Strategy: Monitor
On north aspect of the ridge in a lightning struck snag with some ground fuel on fire. Empire fire operations will monitor this fire.
Starr King
Discovered: 8/2/17
Location: N 37° 42.965′ x W 119° 29.588′ at approximately 7800 feet elevation
Size: 60 acres Cause: Lightning Spread Potential: Low/ Moderate
Fuels: Red fir/ Lodgepole Strategy: Monitor
Minimal smoke can be seen, with some pockets of light smoke interior of the perimeter.
Discovered: 9/15/17
Location: Fire is ½ mile south of Porcupine Flat Campground Road.
Size: 5’x10’ Cause: Lightning Spread Potential: Low
Yosemite Creek
Location: N 37° 50.414′ x W 119° 38.088′ at approximately 7,970 feet elevation
Size: 3.4 acres Cause: Lightning Spread Potential: Low
Fuels: Red fir Strategy: Monitor
Fire is creeping and smoldering and will continue to be checked by fire crews.
Discovered: 8/2/17
Location: N 37° 49.336′ x W 119° 34.720′ at approximately 8154 feet elevation off Tioga road.
Size: 4.8 acres Cause: Lightning Spread Potential: Low
Fuels: Lodgepole/Red fir Strategy: Monitor
Fires edge is 30 feet from the Tioga road and is creeping and smoldering and to be checked by fire crews.
No new maps today
The Mariposa County Health Department will be offering flu shots – at no cost – at the following locations:
September 19 (Tuesday)
– 2:00pm – 3:00pm – Mariposa Senior Center (for Seniors and Care Givers)
September 20 (Wednesday)
– 10:00am – 11:00am – Yosemite Wellness Center
– 12:00pm – 1:00 pm – Yosemite Medical Clinic
– 3:00pm – 4:30pm – El Portal – Cedar Lodge
September 21 (Thursday)
– 10:00am – 11:30am – Greeley Hill Community Center
– 1:00pm – 2:30pm – Coulterville Schoolhouse
September 26 (Tuesday)
– 10:00am – 11:30am – Wawona Library
– 1:00pm – 2:30pm – Fish Camp Fire Station
September 27 (Wednesday)
– 3:00pm – 6:00pm – Mariposa Fairgrounds
September 28 (Thursday)
– 9:00am – 10:30am – Mariposa Human Services Building
– 11:30am – 1:00pm – Mariposa Heritage House (C.Griffin)