Yosemite National Park
Monday, November 29, 2021
Yosemite National Park Zone Forecast
Today: Sunny. Highs 64 to 71 at 5000 feet…52 to 60 at 8000 feet.
Tonight: Mostly clear. Lows 43 to 53 at 5000 feet…35 to 45 at 8000 feet.
Tomorrow: Sunny. Highs 65 to 71 at 5000 feet…54 to 62 at 8000 feet.
Additional Point Forecast Weather Links:
Yosemite Valley | Wawona | Tuolumne Meadows | Glacier Point | Big Oak Flat | Hetch Hetchy | El Portal | Mariposa | Badger Pass
Free COVID-19 testing is available through LHI in Yosemite Valley from 10 am to 6 pm on Mondays (Yosemite Medical Clinic) and Thursdays (Curry Village Wellness Center). Walk-Ins are welcome or visit https://www.lhi.care/covidtesting
to schedule a test. Yosemite Medical Clinic can perform COVID testing for symptomatic individuals Monday through Friday.
Free COVID-19 vaccinations (full series and boosters) are available at the Yosemite Medical Clinic on Wednesdays from 9 am to 5 pm. Online registration is required and can be completed in advance on your computer or mobile device or onsite, at https://myturn.ca.gov
Additionally, the following COVID vaccine clinics are scheduled. Please register in advance for the COVID vaccine at https://myturn.ca.gov
– Wednesday, December 1: Yosemite Medical Clinic 9AM-4PM – adult doses and kids 2nd doses
– Wednesday, December 8: El Portal Community Hall 2:30-6PM
Additional Resources
– CDC guidelines for booster shots: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p1021-covid-booster.html
– Booster eligibility: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/booster-shot.html
– NPS Employee Information: https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/nps-InsideNPS/SitePages/NPS-Coronavirus-Response-Information.aspx
Holiday Toy Drive
Yosemite Hospitality is holding a toy drive for Toys for Tots through December 6. The community is welcome to participate by bringing in a new, sealed toy for any age to the Carabiner at The Loft at Degnan’s. (L. Cesaro)
Power Outage December 10
PG&E will be temporarily interrupting commercial power to El Portal on Friday, December 10 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. For more information call Heather Gonzales, PG&E Outage Coordinator, at 726-5588. (C. Flores)
Merced Grove Restoration Safety Closure
The Merced Grove of giant sequoias is closed for restoration within the grove removing hazardous fuel loads. In 2020 and 2021, thousands of giant sequoias died due to high severity fire burning through fuel loaded forests. To reduce the risk to the Merced Grove of giant sequoias, a team will be removing fuels from in and around the grove. Email garrett_dickman@nps.gov for more information or access. (G. Dickman)