Park Operations Affected by Detwiler Fire
Due to fire,
– All Yosemite Theater shows have been cancelled through at least Tuesday, July 24.
– The Yosemite Art Center is closed through Sunday, July 23. – Internal (NPS) mail delivery has been suspended. – For HR issues, please contact Cindy Whitten. – For critical IT issues, please email the help desk at (S. Diaz) _______________________
Air Quality Conditions
Smoke levels from the Detwiler Fire are expected to increase in the Yosemite area over the next few days as the atmospheric conditions stabilize and bring the smoke to ground level. Mariposa County’s Air Pollution Control District has issued an Air Quality Alert. Please see the link below for recommended actions for each level from the Air Quality Index.
You may view current air quality conditions in the park by going to the air quality monitoring site:
Additionally, we are setting up a portable monitor in El Portal. You can view that monitor at this link:
YARTS Update, Detwiler Fire
Due to the Detwiler Fire, starting July 19th and until further notice, the following will be the YARTS modified schedule for guests of hotels, Amtrak passengers, Greyhound passengers and employees who need to return to Merced.
There will be 2 buses leaving Cedar Lodge every day (at 12 pm and 1 pm) These buses will take passengers from the El Portal area to Yosemite Valley where they will have to catch Hwy 41 Runs 25 or 27 heading for Fresno. In Madera County, the Hwy 140 buses will meet with the Fresno buses at the 145/41 Park& Ride and return passengers back to Merced. The passengers should expect up to 1.5 hrs. of additional time on the buses going to Merced.
THESE BUSES ARE ONLY FOR PASSENGERS GOING TO MERCED. We will not be taking day visitors into the park from Hwy 140.These will be the only buses. If you need to return to Merced, please make sure that you plan to be on either Run 25 or Run 27 (Hwy 41 service). (C.Kelly)
NPS Warehouse Update, Detwiler Fire
Due to the fire, the NPS warehouse in El Portal will be closed until further notice.
New Training Requirement for PEPC Users by 8/1
All PEPC (Planning, Environment, and Public Comment) users must take the “Privacy For System Managers” training (course code: DOIU-3105-OLT-DOI) in DOI Learn, before August 1, 2017, to maintain access to the system. This applies to all Yosemite project managers, compliance staff, and subject matter experts entering or reviewing projects. If you are currently a PEPC user, please take this training before August 1st. It is a new requirement we recently learned of coming out of DOI. Once you receive a certificate, you will need to upload it to your PEPC profile page (this function and instructions will be available in PEPC on August 1). This process will ensure your continued access and seamless continuation of your projects. Questions? Contact Kristin Anderson or Madelyn Ruffner. (M. Ruffner)
Croaking Toad Lecture Wednesday July 26, 8-9 AM
“Revealing Movement Patterns of Yosemite’s Migratory Birds” by Steven Albert, The Institute for Bird Populations, Heydi Rosales, Wildlife Conservation Society, and Sarah Stock, Yosemite National Park
The annual migration of birds is one of the most intriguing and mystifying aspects of the natural world. Learn how biologists are using genetic markers and archival micro-GPS to reveal insights into seasonal songbird movements. We will highlight the movements of Black-headed Grosbeaks from Yosemite to molting grounds in northern Mexico and eventually to wintering grounds in southern Mexico. In addition, Heydi Herrera will talk about her work in Cerro Saslaya National Park and the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve in Nicaragua, areas of stunning biological diversity.
This lecture will take place in the El Portal Large Break Room on Wednesday, July 26, from 8-9 am. Please contact Mitzi Thornley at 379-1060 with any questions. (S. Stock)
New Report: Predicting Climate Change Impacts on Future Distributions of Sierra Nevada Whitebark and Foxtail PinesA newly published report shares modelling approaches to predict climate change impacts on the future distribution of the iconic high-elevation whitebark pine and foxtail pine within Sierra Nevada national parks. This report was a collaborative effort among the USGS Yosemite Field Station, the University of California at Merced, and the former Sierra Nevada Network Ecologist who is currently affiliated with the USGS in Maine.
Report Citation: Moore, P. E., O. Alvarez, S. T. McKinney, W. Li, M. L. Brooks, and Q. Guo. 2017. Climate change and tree-line ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada: Habitat suitability modelling to inform high-elevation forest dynamics monitoring. Natural Resource Report NPS/SIEN/NRR—2017/1476. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Download report here:
Whitebark pine and foxtail pine serve foundational roles in the subalpine zone of the Sierra Nevada. They provide the dominant structure in tree-line forests and regulate key ecosystem processes and community dynamics. Climate change models suggest that there will be changes in temperature regimes and in the timing and magnitude of precipitation within the current distribution of these species, and these changes may alter the species’ distributional limits. Other stressors include the non-native pathogen white pine blister rust and mountain pine beetle, which have played a role in the decline of whitebark pine throughout much of its range. The Sierra Nevada Network is monitoring status and trends of these species. (L. Mutch)
Vernal Fall Comfort Station
The drinking fountains and restrooms at the Vernal Fall footbridge are not functioning. (J. Richards)
Yosemite and the Future of Outreach
Outreach Intern Jamila Rice will be presenting her research presentation July 26 at 11 am at the El Portal Community Hall. Everyone is invited. Jamila is a Senior Political Science Major from Fresno, CA who attends Tuskegee University and is serving in Yosemite through the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Internship Program. This summer Jamila has worked on outreaching to Yosemite’s gateway communities in efforts to expand the volunteer program to communities of color. (J. Rice)
Tuolumne Meadows Visitor Center
Tuolumne Meadows Visitor Center opened for the season on Thursday, July 20th. (J. Trust)
Limited Number of Day Parking Reservations Still Available for Yosemite Valley – Yosemite News Release July 17, 2017
Guaranteed parking will enhance a visitor’s experience during Yosemite’s busiest month
There are a limited number of day parking reservations still available for visitors planning a trip to Yosemite Valley on weekends this August. Securing a free day parking reservation in Yosemite Valley will greatly enhance a visitor’s experience during weekends in August, the park’s busiest month. These reservations are free (with a $1.50 service fee per reservation) and can be booked online ( or by phone at 1-877-444-6777. There are 150 parking spaces available by reservation daily and availability is limited. This is the second year Yosemite National Park is testing a pilot day parking reservation program.
These parking reservations are located in the newly designed Yosemite Falls Parking Area, located directly west of Yosemite Valley Lodge and south of Camp 4 in Yosemite Valley. This parking lot also provides visitors the ability to avoid afternoon traffic congestion when leaving Yosemite Valley.
Visitors who book a parking reservation will be guaranteed a parking space in Yosemite Valley from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. A reservation is valid for one day only. Reservations are available for passenger vehicles up to 20 feet in length. At this time, reservations cannot be booked for RVs or trailers.
Anyone planning a trip on a Valley Tram Tour, a day hike on the Upper Yosemite Falls Trail, or anyone attending a wedding in Yosemite Valley on any Saturday or Sunday this August are strongly encouraged to book a parking reservation today to guarantee a smooth parking experience. Visitors without reservations may experience up to a 3 hour wait for a parking space. Once you drive into Yosemite Valley, the park encourages visitors to park once and explore the Valley Floor by bicycle, on foot, or by taking advantage of the park’s free shuttle service to all major Valley attractions.
A great alternative to driving into Yosemite Valley is to consider parking at stops in the Gateway Communities and riding the Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System (YARTS) buses into Yosemite Valley. Visit for more information. Did you know there is Amtrak service to Yosemite National Park? Visit to learn more.
Yosemite National Park welcomes over 5 million people from all over the United States and the world and serves as an strong economic engine for the region and local communities. Visitors to Yosemite National Park generate a cumulative economic benefit to the local economy of $686,339,500 and directly support 7883 local jobs. The park is home to Yosemite Falls, the tallest waterfall is North America, iconic rock formations like El Capitan and Half Dome, and is home for 90 species of mammals and over 1,500 plant species.
For updated 24-hour road and weather conditions for Yosemite National Park, please call 209-372-0200 and press 1. (S. Gediman) _______________________
Hetch Hetchy Resource Guide Now Available
For more information, or to get a copy of the Resource Guide, contact Heather Boothe at 372-0238 or (H. Boothe)
Wawona Road Delays Near South Entrance
7-14-17: Crews are continuing the Rehabilitation of the Wawona Road. This work will continue over the next 3 months. At this time there is no weekend or night time work scheduled. The current work zone along Wawona Road is 1 mile south and 1/2 mile north of the South Entrance intersection. The current traffic delays are as follows:
Monday thru Friday
6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 15-Minute Delays With Alternating One-Way Traffic
8:00 AM to 3:00 PM 30-Minute Delays With Alternating One-Way Traffic
3:00 PM to 5:30 PM 15-Minute Delays With Alternating One-Way Traffic
(Pilot cars may be used to escort vehicles thru the construction zones.) (M. Pieper)
El Portal Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation – Phase 1
7-17-21: Contractor will be installing the force main on Foresta Rd. One-way traffic control on Foresta Road is expected this week. Please watch for workers on the road and stopped traffic. For additional information please visit the Construction Update Boards located at the Post Office and El Portal Market. For any further questions or concerns, please contact Jamie Richards at (G. Chun, Y. Lugo, J. Richards) _______________________