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osemite Hydroclimate Update – January 2020

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Yosemite Hydroclimate Update – January 2020
January brought relatively dry and warm weather to Yosemite. Air temperatures ranged from sub-zero in the high country on the coldest nights to warm balmy temperatures in the low country and in El Portal on the hottest days (-3°F January 17 in Tuolumne Meadows to 76°F on February 1 in El Portal). 

Snow depths in the park currently ranged between 0 inches (Lower Kibbie Ridge station) and 41 inches (Slide Canyon station). 

Snow water equivalent accumulated during January ranged from 3.32 inches to 1.48 inches, much of which was accumulated during the storm on January 16. 

Snow density was consistently between 20% and 40% for all of the stations within the park, with the highest densities occurring near Ostrander Lake and lowest in Tuolumne Meadows.

Predictions are for dry conditions to persist through February, so keep your fingers crossed for a miracle March!