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Daily Report – Yosemite National Park Tuesday February 14th, 2017

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Daily Report – Yosemite National Park
Tuesday February 14th, 2017
Today: Sunny. Highs 51 to 61 at 5000 feet…42 to 52 at 8000 feet.
Tonight: Mostly clear. Lows 28 to 38 at 5000 feet…20 to 30 at 8000 feet.
Tomorrow: Mostly sunny. Highs 52 to 62 at 5000 feet…42 to 52 at 8000 feet.
Additional Point Forecast Weather Links:
Yosemite Community Scholarship’s Game & Movie Night, February 23rd
Mark your calendars for Yosemite Community Scholarship’s Game & Movie Night on February 23rd. We will be showing America’s National Park: Yosemite. Please bring your favorite board game. Tacos Sonora and drinks at the YEA bar will be available for purchase.  A percentage of the sale and all donations will go to the Yosemite Community Scholarship. Come find out more and have some family fun. 5-8PM, Food, Drink, & Games, 6-7PM Movie. (M. Dale)
Photography show at the Majestic Yosemite Hotel, February 18-20
Continuing the annual tradition, Robb Hirsch will have a showing of his nature photography (landscapes, wildlife and intimate scenes) in the lobby of the Majestic Yosemite Hotel over President’s weekend. There will be an assortment of large fine art pieces and smaller matted prints on display, including several new images. The show will be set up Saturday and Sunday from 10-7 and Monday from 10-4. Come on by to take a look and have a chat. (R. Hirsch)
A Thank You Message From Jessica Vansteenburg, Wife of Brian Chilcott
Hello Yosemite: Jessica Vansteenburg, wife of Brian Chilcott, would like to thank those who have supported the family in so many different ways. Dog, Axel, has made a full recovery! Jessica has had surgery and is in physical therapy making great improvements. Thanks again for all the concern, contribution, and coming together. (H. Bromberg)
El Portal Town Planning Meeting, February 14th
The next El Portal Planning Advisory Committee meeting will be this coming Tuesday, February 14 at 7 PM at the El Portal Branch library. Issues on the agenda include service of NPS concessions in El Portal, sewer project update, communication of road closure during winter storms, and NPS/County MOUs, including those for recreation facilities (swimming pool and town play parks). All residents are welcome to attend.
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance
participate in this meeting, contact the Planning Department at 209-966 5151. (M. Ross)
Yosemite Forum Tuesday, February 14th
“How heat and drought control the growth and death of Sierra forests” by Dr. Anne Kelly, University of California, Merced
Forests are made up of trees that operate like machines: they convert air and sunlight and water into trunks and leaves and seeds. These machines are now catastrophically failing as over a hundred million trees have recently died in the Sierra Nevada in response to drought and warming temperatures. Dr. Kelly’s research explores the mechanics of these trees to provide understanding of the ongoing massive tree loss and to offer insights into the future of Sierra Nevada forests.
The Forum will take place Tuesday, February 14th from 3:30 to 4:30 pm in the Yosemite Valley Auditorium.  Please contact Ami Knighten at 379-1301 for additional information.  (G. Stock)


Job Opening: Volunteer Program Assistant
Based in Yosemite Valley, this position supports a variety of volunteer groups serving throughout the park.  The Volunteer Program Assistant works directly with the Volunteer Program Manager to support work week crews, visitor information assistants, and corporate work crews. 
We are seeking an individual whose excellent interpersonal and communication skills create an effective and lively rapport with volunteers of all ages and abilities.  The position requires organizational skills that support the complex and fluid logistics of volunteer groups serving the NPS divisions of Interpretation, Resources Management and Science, Facilities Management, Preventative Search and Rescue, and Climbing Trails.  Familiarity with the park is preferred.  
This position does have a subsidized housing option in Wawona. For a full job description visit: To apply, submit an application, cover letter and resume to by February 24. (S. Hasty)
Yosemite Falls Trail Update
Yosemite Falls trail has re-opened to the top of of Yosemite Falls. (J. Trust)
COR Classes Offered
March 13-17 Initial COR Class for those seeking first time certification. 40 hour course. Located in the touchdown space in the Mariposa Office.
April 3-7​ COR Level I Refresher for those needing to recertify.  40 hour course. Located in the touchdown space in the Mariposa Office. Questions and signups: (C. Flanagan)
SAVE THE DATE: YEA St. Patrick’s Celebration – March 17th

With luck of the Irish, St. Paddy’s Day lands on a Friday this year. Yosemite Employee Association invites one and all to come on down and celebrate at the Community Hall starting at 5pm. Be ready to dance the night away with live music by Bootstrap Circus! Traditional Irish meals will be served by Heidi Pusina. There will be face painting for little lads and ladies and the kegs will be flowing. Admission is $1 members/$10 non-members. 
We are looking for volunteers to help make this special event possible! Volunteers will receive two free drink tickets. Available shifts include face painters, waste management, door, and clean up. Email to sign up for shifts.  (M. Patton)


Road Work by Caltrans Affecting Park Access and Travel Time
Winter rains have taken a toll on road cuts along the state highways that provide access to Yosemite. Commuting employees and visitors are advised that debris removal and slope stabilization activities will require one-lane traffic controls and travel delays February 13 to 17, between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., in nearby locations outside park boundaries:
  • Hwy 120 at Hardin Flat
  • Hwy 120 from Forest/Packard Canyon Roads to the South Fork Tuolumne River Bridge
  • Hwy 49 from Near Bear Valley Rd to Hwy 120
  • Hwy 140 west of Park Line to Martin Rd, west of town
Work is subject to change according to traffic incidents, weather, availability of equipment and/or materials and other construction related issues. (J. Donovan)
El Portal Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation – Phase 1

For the week of Feb 13 to Feb 17: Temporary bypass system installation will continue at north of the Motor Inn Cabins and near the Post Office. Heavy equipment in and out the Motor Inn Cabins northern driveway is expected. Residents parked at the northern driveway are encouraged to relocate their vehicles during construction hours (9:00am-5:30pm Monday through Friday).


Road trenching will occur across El Portal Road (near the intersection of Foresta Road). The work is schedule for Tuesday and Wednesday (Feb 14 &15) between 11:30am-2:30pm. Traffic will be detoured through the parking lot just south of the Bus Stop. This schedule is subject to change due to weather. Please watch for workers on the road.


Additional information available at the Construction Update Boards located at the Post Office, El Portal Market, and the Project Office Trailer (parking lot west of Nature Bridge). Please contact Garrett Chun at with any inquiries or concerns. (Y. Lugo)

Emergency Services Complex
Construction continues.  Insulation is nearly complete and wall and ceiling finishes are being applied; electrical and telecom cables are being pulled; mechanical control systems are being installed.  Siding and roofing is being installed as weather allows.  Completion is expected in the spring.  (K. White)
Sara Dolan will be acting Program Manager for Cultural Resources until February 14. She can be reached at 379-1308.
Joe Meyer will be acting Division Chief for Resources Management and Science until February 17. He can be reached at 379-1185 or 379-1060.
Parker Davis will be acting Fee and Revenue Branch Chief until the end of February. He can be reached at 372-0406 or
Rebecca Lund will be acting Deputy Fee Manager until the end of February. She can be reached at 372-0207.
Michael Liang will be acting Branch Chief for Creative Media (formerly Interpretive Services) until the end of February. He can be reached at 372-0643.
Heather Boothe will be acting Hetch Hetchy Program Manager and Yosemite Conservancy Liaison until April 15. She can be reached at 372-0238.
Sally Kintner will be acting Volunteer Program Manager until April 15. She can be reached at 379-1850.
Sheri Ogden will be acting Division Chief of BRM until further notice. She can be reached at 372-0316.
Ron Gaunt will be acting Division Chief of Project Management until further notice. He can be reached at 379-1027.
Sabrina Diaz will be acting Chief of Interpretation & Education until further notice. She can be reached at 372-0291 or 347-0113.
R. Brad Lewis will be acting Branch Chief of Design and Construction for Project Management until further notice. He can be reached at 379-1006.
Garrett Dickman will be acting Park Botanist until further notice. He can be reached at 379-3282.