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Daily Report – Yosemite National Park Tuesday December 27th, 2016

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Daily Report – Yosemite National Park

Tuesday December 27th, 2016


Yosemite National Park Zone Forecast


Today: Sunny. Not as cool. Highs 47 to 55 at 5000 feet…40 to 48 at 8000 feet.


Tonight: Mostly clear. Lows 28 to 38 at 5000 feet…20 to 30 at 8000 feet.


Tomorrow: Sunny. Highs 50 to 59 at 5000 feet…42 to 52 at 8000 feet.


Additional Point Forecast Weather Links:

Yosemite Valley  |  Wawona  |  Tuolumne Meadows  |  Glacier Point |  Big Oak Flat  |  Hetch Hetchy  |  El Portal  |  Mariposa | Badger Pass






Hazard Tree Removal

Valley Forestry will begin hazard tree removal today at the Valley Clinic, superintendents house, nursing dorm and adjacent buildings. Parking will be affected with controlled access behind the clinic. Parking directly adjacent to the building –in the rear–will be closed entirely. We will be in this area for the entire week. (J. Ivey)



Beer Tasting at the Carabiner Cafe

The Carabiner is excited to bring back one of their most popular events: Beer Tasting! This year The Carabiner Cafe is hosting 6 local breweries to showcase their finest craft brews.  Each event will start at 7:30pm and typically lasts about an hour.  Each session will feature 6 beer selections and a snack plate with food items to match each brew.  The cost is $10 per person (21 years and older) and you must sign up ahead of time with the cashiers at the Carabiner.  These events typically sell out so reserve your spot early. (E. Brosk)


January 6th – Dustbowl

January 16th – Tioga Sequoia

February 1st – Lagunitas

February 23rd – Sierra Nevada

March 11th – Ballast Point 



New Year’s Eve Bash

This Saturday the Carabiner Café is hosting a New Year’s Eve bash and you’re all invited to celebrate!!  Let’s end 2016 with an epic dance party featuring  Zach Jones behind the turn tables!  The doors open at 5pm (until Jan 7, then it will go back to 7pm) and the DJ starts at 9pm.  We will count down the new year, drop the balloons, toast with our friends, and dance until just before 1am!!  Please remember to have your valid ID if you plan on purchasing alcohol and don’t forget your dancing shoes!! (E. Brosk)






Yosemite Medical Clinic Holiday Closures

Yosemite Medical Clinic will be closed Monday, December 26 and Monday, January 2 in observance of the Christmas and New Year holidays. Ambulance response is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week by calling 911.(C. Griffin)



Valley Forestry 

Starting Tomorrow, Tuesday 12/27/16 at 8:30 AM Valley Forestry will be working behind Valley Clinic off of Ahwahnee Dr. We will be removing hazard trees, first focused on a live oak in the parking lot then pines around the superintendents residence the nurses dorm and other outbuildings. We expect to be working in this area stedy 12/27/16 thru 12/31/16.Parking areas will be affected. We will be flexible enough to accommodate emergency vehicles on immediate need basis. I have established this plan with Chip Griffin at the clinic.Parking areas directly behind and adjacent to the clinic building will be closed beginning Monday 12/26/16 at 17:00 hrs -5:00 PM.We will accommodate access to residential parking as needed. There may be some (10 to 15 minute) delay for this accommodation. Any concerns or anyone wanting fire wood from this operation please contact me directly. (J. Ivey)






Yosemite Valley Traffic Detour

Northside Drive and Southside Drive west of Sentinel Drive are back to one-way traffic. Sentinel Drive is open to two-way traffic.Northside Drive and Southside Drive east of Sentinel Drive are open for two-way traffic. Maps are available at:


Yosemite National Park website-


Yosemite Sharepoint (internal only)-


LImited parking is available at the Yosemite Village Day-Use Parking Area, in the area of Camp 6. Access this parking off Sentinel Drive. No RVs or trailers please. 4-Wheel drive recommended. Parking for RVs and trailers is available at the Yosemite Falls Parking Area near Yosemite Lodge. (L. Acree)



Cook’s Meadow Boardwalk

The Trails Crew has started preparing on-sight to replace the deck material on Cook’s boardwalk. Work typically is being performed Monday-Thursday, during which time the boardwalk will be closed to visitors. When crews are not working, the boardwalk will be left so visitors can safely use the boardwalk. This should take 3-4 weeks depending on weather and other emergencies.(A.Shapiro)



Parkwide Communication Data Network (CDN):

During the next five weeks (Dec 23rd through Jan 20th) Abide International (Contractor) will be installing radio equipment in shelters and aligning microwave dishes on towers at eleven locations throughout the park.  This is part of the last phase of the Parkwide Communication Data Network (CDN) project, which started in the Fall 2010, with the construction of communication towers and shelters.  Yosemite’s CDN system will replace the dated/unreliable communication infrastructure (wires which run through park/wilderness areas), which dates to the 1950s, with a modern wireless system to support high speed data services and emergency communications for Yosemite National Park.  Staging of the microwave equipment is at Old El Portal parking lot.  Project is scheduled to be complete by January 20, 2017 (weather permitting). (D. Engelstad)  



Emergency Services Complex:

Construction continues.  Structural retrofit is nearly done.  Most of the site grading, drainage improvements, utilities, and paving is done.  Work on the interior electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire suppression, and fire alarms continue, as well as the remaining structural work.  Finish work will begin soon.  Completion is expected in winter 2017. (K. White)






Amanda Murphy will be acting Program Manager for Cultural Resources from 12/21 through 12/28/2016. She can be reached at 209-379-1432.


George Harders will be acting Branch Chief of Utilities from 12/25/2016-12/31/2016. He can be reached at 379-1825 or contact Marie Matheson at 379-1828.


Gus Martinez will be acting Chief Ranger from Saturday, December 17 thru Monday, January 2, 2017.  He can be reached at 209-372-0520


Renea Kennec will be acting Branch Chief of Environmental Planning and Compliance from 12/27/2016-12/30/2016.


Chris Gateman will be acting Operations Supervisor until January 3rd. Chris may be reached at 379-1275


Josh Keyes will be acting Branch Chief for Buildings and Grounds December 27th through January 3rd. Josh may be reached at 375-9508


Dave Henderson will be acting Hetch Hetchy Program Manager and Yosemite Conservancy Liaison until January 16th. He can be reached at 372-0600 or 372-0238.


Parker Davis will be acting Fee and Revenue Branch Chief until the end of February. Parker can be reached at 372-0406 or


Sue Beatty will be acting Branch Chief for Vegetation and Restoration December 19 thru December 22. She can be reached at 209-379-3290


Ben Cunningham-Summerfield will be acting Branch Chief of Interpretive Field Operations until January 4. He can be reached at 372-0303


Kent Van Wagtendonk will be acting Branch Chief for Physical Sciences and Landscape Ecology from December 16 through December 28. He can be reached at 209-379-1046.


Michael Liang will be acting Branch Chief for Creative Media (formerly interpretive services) through February 2017. He can be reached at 372-0643


Sheri Ogden will be acting Division Chief of BRM until further notice. She can be reached at 209-372-0316.


Ron Gaunt will be acting Division Chief of Project Management until further notice. He can be reached at 379-1027.


Sabrina Diaz will be acting Chief of Interpretation & Education until further notice. She can be reached at 372-0291 or 347-0113.


R. Brad Lewis will be acting Branch Chief of Design and Construction for Project Management until further notice. He can be reached at 379-1006.


Billy Bryan will be acting Concessions Management Branch Chief until further notice. He can be reached at 372-0272 or


Erin Davenport will be acting Branch Chief of Environmental Planning and Compliance from 12/19/2016-12/23/2016.


Renea Kennec will be acting Branch Chief of Environmental Planning and Compliance from 12/27/2016-12/30/2016.


Ryan Leahy will be acting Program Manager for Human-Wildlife Conflicts  until February 13, 2017. He can be reached at 209-372-0476.


Rick McNeill will be acting Park Botanist until further notice. He can be reached at 379-2175.


Rebecca Lund will be acting Deputy Fee Manager through February 2017. She can be reached at 372-0207.


Katie Burnham will be acting Arch Rock Entrance Supervisor through February 2017. She can be reached at 379-2210